Thursday, April 2, 2015

Review: Ebook - Abigail and the Tropical Island Adventure #Talicarmi

My four year son loves reading.  We're not modernized yet with the whole eBook and Kindle reading, even though I have the app on my phone.  There's nothing like good, old fashioned book reading.  We did finally try an eBook together, and it was Abigail and the Tropical Island Adventure.

This is a great story to read aloud to your young children.  The wording and sentence structure is a little difficult for a beginning reader, but they sound fine when an adult reads it.

Abigail has a magic bicycle and she goes on adventures - this was book eight I believe.  In this book she went on an adventure to a tropical island and met up with a young girl named Lelei who had a birthday party (and who is topless, too!)  The book goes on to explain problem solving, working together, and celebrating other cultures.

My review - cute book, great illustrations.

You can buy it on Amazon right here!

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