Friday, April 3, 2015

Review: eBook - Green Smoothies: The Weight Loss & Detox Secret #Myownveggieworld

78 pages of pure deliciousness.  Well, not all 78 pages, but the majority of this eBook is filled with wonderful recipes.

Last year, when I was on my health kick, I would have a GREEN smoothie every single day.  Some smoothies were better than others because I would mix ingredients that I thought went well together, not really understanding how they went together.  If only I had this Jonathan Vine eBook when I truly needed it!  Better late than never.

The first eight chapters are filled with useful information from "What is a Green Smoothie?" to to "Types," to "Tasty Tips"... well, you get the point.

Why are green smoothies so good, and what are they exactly?  Read the book!

I would rather drink a Green Smoothie than a fruity smoothie.  I love spinach and kale, and I love it mixed with fruit.  My fiance, on the other hand, has no interest in even trying it.  I tell him you can't even taste the vegetables you put in, but he doesn't believe me.

There are recipes in this eBook that I would never dream of doing!  Almond Avocado mixed together?  Kale, Tomato and Cucumber?  Surprisingly, that one sounds good to me.  I haven't tried that one yet because I haven't fully committed to my diet.  Yet.  I do need to get back in gear.

I will say I'm excited I have this at my fingertips, and I WILL follow it and use it.   I'm really happy I had the chance to read and review this because I'm now motivated to follow this - not only for the health and weight loss benefits, but they're really yummy!

You can find this eBook on Amazon right HERE!

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